GuanYin Goddess
It was a common understanding and general saying in the 50s to the 60s that in the modern era Chinese artistic world, the painting of Mr.Zhang’s GuanYin, Mr.Qi’s Prawn, and Mr.Xu’s horse were considered to be la crème de la crème. It was known that Mr.Zhang had painted numerous GuanYin pictures over his lifetime. This particular GuanYin picture was painted in the 1930s.
This painting was painted prior to Mr.Zhang’s trip to Dunhuang where he received many inspirations in his later art masterpieces. However, even without the latter inspirations, this particular painting had shown the the skills that Mr.Zhang possesed in his painting of GuanYin. This is still consider to be one of the best if not the best of Mr.Zhang’s GuanYin picture.
This painting was auctioned off in Beijing in 2009 for an amount of 13.44 million yuan.
The hardest part of doing the embroidery of this painting was the part of GuanYin’s serious demeanor while meditating. Master embroider expert Madam Baihua undertook the challenge herself. It took her only a short time to find out the secret to this challenge. The final embroidery masterpiece clearly shown the features that were depicted in the painting. This include the holy aura ring around GuanYin’s head.
It took a year to complete this masterpiece.